christmas group photo
christmas subgroup photo


We are a small and friendly Norwich-based chamber choir of around 25 singers. We have a reputation for high quality performances at venues around Norfolk. Our repertoire is varied and extensive, but we specialise in Renaissance and contemporary music. We give around five concerts a year and also help to raise money for local charities. We have, to date, raised over £25,000.

Our next performance...

Saturday 16th November 2024 (time to be confirmed)

Lunchtime concert

St Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich

Upcoming performance...

Saturday 21st December 2024 (time to be confirmed)

Candlelit Christmas Concert in aid of Mancroft Advice Project

St Peter Mancroft Church, Norwich

Upcoming performance...

Saturday 22nd March 2025 (time to be confirmed)

Spring Concert

St Andrew's Church, Eaton

Music in Norwich